Checking Our Monuments: Williamsburg VA Monument Has a Safe New Home

July 7. 2024

Williamsburg VA Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument Proudly On Display (Photo by author 7/7/2024)


         We are happy to relate that the Williamsburg, Virginia Confederate Soldiers and Sailors monument is safe and secure at the site of Fort Magruder.


     The monument is visible from Penniman Road County Rd 641, just east of the Colonial City, locked behind a secure fence with signs warning that the location is being watched. 


     The obelisk has two Confederate flags on the front with text on the right side “Lord God of hosts, be with us yet.  Lest we forget – lest we forget.”


     During the riots in the Summer of 2020, the Williamsburg City Council voted to remove the monument from Court Street in Bicentennial Park.  The Virginia UDC was able to secure possession in 2021 and facilitate the move to Fort Magruder.  The monument was originally erected in 1908 as a joint effort by the UDC and citizens of Williamsburg/James City County and was located at the Southern end of the Palace Green near the George Wythe House.  The first move occurred in the early 1930’s during the re-building of the colonial city.


      Even though it’s located in a residential area with encroaching gas stations and retail, some of the original earthworks remain and there is a historical marker and a stone at the site.  Use 1035 Penniman Road, Williamsburg in your GPS to find the location.

Monument location - Penniman Rd & Queens Creek Rd, Williamsburg