Displaying the Confederate Battle Flag

Often mistakenly referred to as the “Stars and Bars”, the St. Andrews Cross is the proud representation of the Confederate soldier.

Often mistakenly referred to as the “Stars and Bars”, the St. Andrews Cross is the proud representation of the Confederate soldier.

How to Display The Flag


When the Confederate flag is displayed, the flag of the United States of America must always be displayed with it; this includes use on platforms and in parades. The U.S. flag must be to its own right (the observer’s left). The Confederate flag must be to the U.S. flag’s left (the observer’s right).

The U.S. and Confederate flags must be on separate staffs with the staff of the U.S. flag higher than the staff of the Confederate flag. An eagle should be used as the standard on the staff of the U.S. flag. A spear should be used as the standard on the staff of the Confederate and state flags.

For use on a car or float, the flag must be on a staff and firmly affixed only to the front of the vehicle, with the U.S. flag on the right front and the Confederate flag on the left front. The flag should never be draped over the hood, top, or sides of a vehicle and should not be flown from the back of a car, parade float or other vehicle. The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free. When the U.S. or Confederate flag is displayed flat on a wall or in a window, the union (canton) should be at the top and to the observer’s left.

The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling or as a drapery. It should not be festooned, drawn back nor up in folds, but should always be allowed to fall free. The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled or damaged in any way. The Confederate flag should be used at the dedication or unveiling for a Confederate marker or monument. It should never be used as the covering for the marker or monument.

RETIREMENT - When the flag is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, it should be destroyed in a dignified manner, preferably by burning.

FOLDING - To fold the flag, two persons face each other and hold the flag waist high and horizontally between them. They fold the lower half of the flag lengthwise over the upper half; then fold it again in the same manner. The person holding the fly end folds the lower right corner to the upper edge to form a triangle, folds the outer point inward to form a second triangle, and continues to fold the flag in triangles until the entire length of the flag is folded, ending with the hoist end to the outside.

WHEN TO DISPLAY THE FLAG - Like the U.S. flag, the Confederate flag may be displayed every day, except in inclement weather. It should be displayed especially on days of special Confederate commemoration and observance. The flag may be displayed at night if properly illuminated. It is customary to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. It should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously. On Memorial Day, the flag should be at half staff until noon and at the peak of the staff from noon until sunset.

SALUTING THE CONFEDERATE FLAG - The salute to the Confederate flag: “I salute the Confederate Flag with affection, reverence and undying remembrance to the cause for which it stands.“

The Salute to the Confederate flag, as adopted by the Sons of Confederate Veterans should be rendered by standing at attention, facing the flag, with the ungloved right hand over the heart. The order for Pledges and salutes: Salute to the Christian Flag (if used), Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the Unites States of America, Salute to the State flag, and Salute to the Confederate Flag. As each Pledge and salute is recited, the ungloved right hand is placed over the heart when reciting it and dropped to the person’s side as each is concluded. The right hand is then raised and again placed over the heart for the next salute.

Courtesy of Mason-Dixon Guards Camp 2183 Kent Co. DE

The Maryland Division Sons of Confederate Veterans show how it's done.

The Maryland Division Sons of Confederate Veterans show how it's done.

At the Gettysburg Remembrance Day parade, the MD Division Sons of Confederate Veterans. 

At the Gettysburg Remembrance Day parade, the MD Division Sons of Confederate Veterans.