Lee Jackson Ceremony Georgetown 2008.jpg


For membership or questions about our camp, fill out the contact box at the right and click SUBMIT.


Sons of Confederate Veterans (our parent organization) – http://www.scv.org/

Membership Eligibility - https://scv.org/eligibility/

Georgetown Historical Society (home of the Delaware Confederate Monument) – http://marvelmuseum.com/

Delaware Grays (lots of great information about the Delaware Confederate Monument) – http://descv.org/

Living History Society of Delaware (2nd DE Union Re-enactors, often our partners in historical events) – http://www.2nddelaware.com/

Sons of Union Veterans (our brothers in history) - http://www.suvcw.org/

Central Delaware Civil War RoundTablehttp://www.cdcwrt.org/services

Save The Talbot Boys - https://talbotboysstatue.squarespace.com/

Membership Application -    PDF      

Lineage Chart   -  PDF